D.B. Jones Printing Company - Logo
Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857
Phone:(732) 688 - 3575
Fax: (732) 952 - 5826
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday		7am - 4pm
Saturday		9am - Noon
Sun			Closed			
Email: questions@dbjonesprinting.com
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Title - Label Services
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Types of Runs, Sizes of Runs, and the Role Cost Plays
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We Can Print on Roll Fed Stock
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Save Money Before Producing Physical Samples
Vivid Photorealistic 3D Images of Your Product
Rotate and Zoom In/Out On Your Product
Animating the Products Functional Features
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Touch, Feel, and Collect Feedback on Your Pre-Production Samples
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Title - 3D Prototypes
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Title Bar - 3D Prototypes

Three-Dimensional (3D) Prototyping is usually used as a tool during the initial "Brain Storming"
phase of a project.

The remarkable capabilities of today's computer-generated software enables us to produce
High-Quality examples of your end-product ( with labels ) before printing a single dot of ink.

Adopting Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) software normally used in the commercial/movie
industries for special effects, we offer you multiple virtual prototyping options:

  •    Vivid Photorealistic 3D Images (Virtual Product)

  •    Viewing of Products from Various Perspective Angles (QTVR)

  •    Animated Product Functional Features (Animation)

  • Speeding Up The Decision Process:
    In order to speed up the initial "Red Tape" stage of a project some clients send these digital
    files as electronic attachments (via email) for Design Feedback, Presentations, or Securing

    Packaging strategies that call for label customization or other frequent changes
    (Content, Graphics, Fonts, Etc.) usually occur during this "Brain Storming" phase.
    3D digital files makes it easy to vary packaging graphic changes as they emerge, saving
    you vast amounts of time and money before creating a physical sample.
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